Chapter 7 Training and Testing Data

Our dat, dat.und and dat.grand data frames have all our data. But when we fit models to data, we need to hold out some data for testing the fit.

This is also called cross-validation. The jargon used is folds where each fold is the random sample of data that you will test against. So if we do k-fold cross-validation where k=5. That means we randomly assign our data to 5 groups (1 to 5). We do 5 fits. The first one will use group 1 as the testing data, and fit the model to the other data. The second one will use group 2 as the testing data and fit to the rest. Etc. That ensure that you test against different data each time.

Another way to do this test is to randomly select 1/k proportion of your data to use for testing and repeat that many times to create many test/train data sets. I am going to use this approach.

This chapter will use the following libraries.


Load the data. This will output the names that are loaded.

datnames <- load("data/sdm_data.RData")

7.1 Presence train/test

We set up a training set of presence data and a test set. kfold is just a function to randomly assign the data to k groups. I want just the presence data so will subset to pa column equal 1. I will call the presence only data presdat.

presdat <- subset(dat.und, pa == 1)
group <- dismo::kfold(presdat, k = 5)  # 5 groups = 20 test/80 train split

The testing data will be group==1 and training data will be the rest.

pres_train <- presdat[group != 1, ]
pres_test <- presdat[group == 1, ]

7.2 Background train/test

We repeat the process above for the background data (the pa=0).

bgdat <- subset(dat.und, pa == 0)
group <- dismo::kfold(bgdat, k = 5)
backg_train <- bgdat[group != 1, ]
backg_test <- bgdat[group == 1, ]

7.3 Training data

We make separate presence and background train/test sets for evaluation purposes later. But for fitting we need a data frame with both train data sets (presence and background) together.

traindat <- rbind(pres_train, backg_train)

7.4 Create many datasets

The above code would create just one dataset, but we want to create many since we want to see how/if the model changes with a different training set.

I’ll create a list and save the data there. I will run through the code above and assign my train/test datasets to a list. I need to save traindat used in the model fitting and pres_test and backg_test used in the evaluation functions. Note, this is incredibly memory inefficient. I really just need to store dat.und and group, but for convenience sake, I am pre-making whole datasets and storing those. If the dataset were larger, I could not do this.

traindatlist <- list()
n <- 20
for (i in 1:n) {
    presdat <- subset(dat.und, pa == 1)
    group <- dismo::kfold(presdat, k = 5)  # 5 groups = 20 test/80 train split
    pres_train <- presdat[group != 1, ]
    pres_test <- presdat[group == 1, ]
    bgdat <- subset(dat.und, pa == 0)
    group <- dismo::kfold(bgdat, k = 5)
    backg_train <- bgdat[group != 1, ]
    backg_test <- bgdat[group == 1, ]
    traindatlist[[i]] <- list(traindat = rbind(pres_train, backg_train), 
        pres_test = pres_test, backg_test = backg_test)

7.5 Save

I’ll add this to the sdm_data data file.

save(traindatlist, list = datnames, file = "data/sdm_data.RData")