Chapter 9 SDMs – GAM

A generalized additive model (GAM) is similar to a linear regression model except that the relationship between the response variable and explanatory variables is flexible. For example,

\[y = \alpha + s_1(x_1) + s_2(x_2) + \epsilon\] where \(s()\) is a function. The code for fitting the GAMs will be similar in structure to the code for fitting the GLMs and the same evaluation metrics can be calculated.

9.1 Set-up

This chapter will use the following libraries.


9.1.1 Load the data and GLM models

Load the shapefiles, Trillium data and variables raster stack created earlier.

# The VT, NH and HB outlines

# The original observation data lat/lon

# All the data needed to fit the SDM The grid cells with
# presences and background grid cells w predictors The
# variables that I'll use for various models

# Raster of all predictors
allVars <- raster::brick("data/allVars.grd")

Load the model list from the GLM chapter plus the pm.plot function.


9.1.2 First data set

For the first fit, I use the first data set in my training/test list.

traindat <- traindatlist[[1]]$traindat
pres_test <- traindatlist[[1]]$pres_test
backg_test <- traindatlist[[1]]$backg_test

9.2 Fit GAM

The GAM formula in R looks like response ~ s(var1, sm) + s(var2, sm). The s() is the spline function and allows the response to be non-linear. The second number, sm is the amount of smoothing and the default way you specify this is different for the gam::gam() function versus the mcgv::gam() function. Here I use gam::gam() and use the df argument (default). df=1 would be linear.

I will write a function to make my formula for the gam() call. That way I don’t have to make it manually.

gamfm <- function(x, df, f = NULL) {
    if (length(f) != 0) 
        x <- x[x != f]
    fm <- paste0("s(", x, ", ", df, ")", collapse = " + ")
    if (length(f) != 0) {
        ff <- paste0(f, collapse = " + ")
        fm <- paste(fm, ff, sep = "+")
    fm <- as.formula(paste("pa ~", fm))

For the GAM model with less smoothing (df=2), the formula is

gamfm(envvars, 2)
pa ~ s(mean.temp, 2) + s(temp.diurnal.range, 2) + s(temp.seasonality, 
    2) + s(precip.warm.qtr, 2) + s(precip.cold.qtr, 2)
<environment: 0x7fda3d918d50>

Notice how the variables are in a s() function. That is the spline function.

Because I am specifying what variables to use in the model formula, I don’t need to subset the training data. I can just pass the whole data frame in.

gamEnv2 <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(envvars, 2), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")

For the more flexible model, I use

gamEnv4 <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(envvars, 4), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")

Save models.

mod <- paste0("gamEnv", c(2, 4))
desc <- paste0("GAM - Environmental variables df=", c(2, 4))
for (i in 1:2) {
    pm <- predict(allVars, get(mod[i]), type = "response")
    bindex <- ecospat::ecospat.boyce(pm, cbind(pres_test$lon, 
        pres_test$lat), PEplot = FALSE)
    modellist[[mod[i]]] <- list(model = get(mod[i]), name = mod[i], 
        desc = desc[i], terms = envvars, bindex = bindex)
Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

We can compute the same output and diagnostics as we did for GLMs.

9.2.1 Predictions

pm <- predict(allVars, gamEnv4, type = "response")

Let’s zoom in on Hubbard Brook.

xlims <- c(-71.9, -71.6)
ylims <- c(43.875, 44)
pm.plot(pm, main = "Environmental Variables", xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, 
    scale.max = 0.5)

9.2.2 Response curves

This shows the relationship between the predictor variable and the probability of presence.

rp <- biomod2::response.plot2(models = c("gamEnv4", "gamEnv2"), 
    Data = traindat, show.variables = envvars, fixed.var.metric = "mean", 
    use.formal.names = TRUE)
Warning in which.max(sum_level): NAs introduced by coercion

Since rp is a data frame in long form, we can also use ggplot to plot.

p <- ggplot(rp, aes(x = expl.val, y = pred.val, lty = + 
    geom_line() + ylab("prob of occ") + xlab("") + facet_wrap(, 
    scales = "free_x") + ggtitle("Environmental variables")

9.2.3 AUC Curves

erf <- dismo::evaluate(pres_test, backg_test, model = gamEnv4)
plot(erf, "ROC")

9.2.4 Boyce Index

predict(allVars, gamEnv4, type = "response")
ecospat::ecospat.boyce(pm, cbind(pres_test$lon, pres_test$lat))
Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

9.2.5 Variable importance

This is a measure of how much each variable singly impacts the fit.

varimp <- biomod2::variables_importance(gamEnv4, data = traindat)$mat
varimp[varimp > 0.01, ]
         mean.temp temp.diurnal.range   temp.seasonality    precip.warm.qtr 
          0.161965           0.102880           0.360015           0.336038 

9.3 Effect size curves

Let’s look at the GAM effect size curves for the model with 5 environmental variables. The effect curves are non-linear.

po <- gam:::preplot.Gam(gamEnv4, terms = attr(terms(gamEnv4), 
dfenv <- data.frame(x = NULL, y = NULL, se = NULL, variable = NULL)
for (i in names(po)) {
    vname <- stringr::str_replace(i, "s[(]", "")
    vname <- stringr::str_replace(vname, ", 4[)]", "")
    a <- data.frame(x = po[[i]]$x, y = po[[i]]$y, se = po[[i]]$se.y, 
        variable = vname)
    dfenv <- rbind(dfenv, a)
p <- ggplot(dfenv, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_line() + geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = y + 
    2 * se, ymax = y - 2 * se), col = "grey", alpha = 0.5) + 
    ylab("effect size")
p + facet_wrap(~variable, scales = "free")

9.4 More GAM fits

Now I repeat the model fitting code for the other sets of variables and store to my model list.

9.4.1 Topographical only model

gamTopo2 <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(topovars, 2), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")
gamTopo4 <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(topovars, 4), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")

Save models.

mod <- paste0("gamTopo", c(2, 4))
desc <- paste0("GAM - Topo variables df=", c(2, 4))
for (i in 1:2) {
    pm <- predict(allVars, get(mod[i]), type = "response")
    bindex <- ecospat::ecospat.boyce(pm, cbind(pres_test$lon, 
        pres_test$lat), PEplot = FALSE)
    modellist[[mod[i]]] <- list(model = get(mod[i]), name = mod[i], 
        desc = desc[i], terms = topovars, bindex = bindex)
Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

9.4.2 Land cover model

gamLC2 <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(lcvars, 2), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")
gamLC4 <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(lcvars, 4), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")

Save models.

mod <- paste0("gamLC", c(2, 4))
desc <- paste0("GAM - Tree Cover variables df=", c(2, 4))
for (i in 1:2) {
    pm <- predict(allVars, get(mod[i]), type = "response")
    bindex <- ecospat::ecospat.boyce(pm, cbind(pres_test$lon, 
        pres_test$lat), PEplot = FALSE)
    modellist[[mod[i]]] <- list(model = get(mod[i]), name = mod[i], 
        desc = desc[i], terms = lcvars, bindex = bindex)
Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

9.4.3 Minimal GAM Model

gamEnvMin <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(minEnvVars, 4), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")
pm <- predict(allVars, gamEnvMin, type = "response")
bindex <- ecospat::ecospat.boyce(pm, cbind(pres_test$lon, pres_test$lat), 
    PEplot = FALSE)
Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used
modellist[["gamEnvMin"]] <- list(model = gamEnvMin, name = "gamEnvMin", 
    desc = "GAM - Minimal", terms = minEnvVars, bindex = bindex)

9.4.4 VIF Vars

gamVIF2 <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(vifvars, 2), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")
gamVIF4 <- gam::gam(formula = gamfm(vifvars, 4), data = traindat, 
    family = "binomial")

Save models.

mod <- paste0("gamVIF", c(2, 4))
desc <- paste0("GAM - VIF variables df=", c(2, 4))
for (i in 1:2) {
    pm <- predict(allVars, get(mod[i]), type = "response")
    bindex <- ecospat::ecospat.boyce(pm, cbind(pres_test$lon, 
        pres_test$lat), PEplot = FALSE)
    modellist[[mod[i]]] <- list(model = get(mod[i]), name = mod[i], 
        desc = desc[i], terms = vifvars, bindex = bindex)
Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

Warning in if (class(obs) == "data.frame" | class(obs) == "matrix") {: the
condition has length > 1 and only the first element will be used

9.5 Model Comparison

9.5.1 Predictions

Compare the topo, LC and environmenal predictions.

pg.topo <- predict(allVars, gamTopo4, type = "response")
pg.env <- predict(allVars, gamEnv4, type = "response") <- predict(allVars, gamLC4, type = "response")
pg.min <- predict(allVars, gamEnvMin, type = "response")

Now make the prediction plots.

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
mar <- c(0, 0, 2, 0)
pm.plot(pg.topo, main = "Topographical Variables", legend = FALSE, 
    axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, mar = mar)
pm.plot(pg.env, main = "Environmental Variables", legend = FALSE, 
    axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, mar = mar)
pm.plot(, main = "Tree Cover Variables", legend = FALSE, 
    axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, mar = mar)
pm.plot(pg.min, main = "Three Env Variables", legend = FALSE, 
    axes = FALSE, box = FALSE, mar = mar)

9.6 AUCs

aucs <- unlist(lapply(modellist, function(x) {
    dismo::evaluate(pres_test, backg_test, model = x$model)@auc
glmMinEnv     glmLC   glmTopo    glmEnv  gamTopo2 gamEnvMin    gamLC2  gamTopo4 
0.6961157 0.7117438 0.7145455 0.7183471 0.7203802 0.7215950 0.7223140 0.7281488 
   gamLC4   glmStep    glmVIF   gamEnv2   gamEnv4   gamVIF2   gamVIF4 
0.7331653 0.7425372 0.7430992 0.7521983 0.7664959 0.7701322 0.7897686 

9.7 Boyce Index - Spearman

Let’s look at the Spearman correlations from the Boyce Index.

bis <- unlist(lapply(modellist, function(x) {
   gamLC4    glmEnv  gamTopo4 gamEnvMin   glmTopo glmMinEnv  gamTopo2    gamLC2 
    0.777     0.811     0.832     0.832     0.856     0.865     0.873     0.873 
    glmLC   gamEnv4   gamVIF2   glmStep   gamEnv2   gamVIF4    glmVIF 
    0.902     0.904     0.930     0.939     0.939     0.939     0.948 

Compare some of the Boyce Index plots.

dfb <- data.frame(x = NULL, y = NULL, model = NULL)
for (i in c("gamEnv4", "gamLC4", "gamEnvMin", "gamVIF4")) {
    bi <- modellist[[i]]$bindex
    a <- data.frame(y = bi$F.ratio, x = bi$HS, model = i)
    dfb <- rbind(dfb, a)
dfb$observed <- "yes"
dfb$observed[dfb$y == 0] <- "no"
p <- ggplot(dfb, aes(x = x, y = y)) + geom_point(aes(col = observed)) + 
    ylab("Boyce Index") + xlab("Suitability")
p + facet_wrap(~model, scales = "free_y") + ggtitle("Evaluation of the test data performance")

9.8 Hubbard Brook comparisons

Let’s zoom in on Hubbard Brook. The observations to the far right are next to the labs. The GLM makes the ridges (boundary) much higher in suitability than the lower elevation brook bottom (center). The model with tree cover also makes the ridge more suitable than the lower elevation.

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))
xlims <- c(-71.9, -71.6)
ylims <- c(43.875, 44)
mar <- c(0, 0, 3, 0)
for (i in c("gamEnvMin", "gamEnv4", "gamLC4", "gamTopo4")) {
    pg <- predict(allVars, modellist[[i]]$model, type = "response")
    pm.plot(pg, main = i, xlim = xlims, ylim = ylims, scale.max = 0.5, 
        box = FALSE, axes = FALSE, legend = FALSE, mar = mar)

Tree composition in Hubbard Brook also tracks these environmental conditions it looks like. Hubbard Brook forest composition

9.8.1 Response curves

We can compare the response curves for models which have the same variables.

rp <- biomod2::response.plot2(models = c("gamEnv4", "gamLC4", 
    "gamVIF4"), Data = traindat, show.variables = envvars, fixed.var.metric = "mean", 
    plot = FALSE, use.formal.names = TRUE)
Warning in which.max(sum_level): NAs introduced by coercion

The models don’have all the variables. I will put NAs if the model doesn’t have that variable.

rp$include <- apply(rp, 1, function(x) {
    x[2] %in% modellist[[x[4]]]$terms
rp$pred.val[!rp$include] <- NA
gg.rp <- ggplot(rp, aes(x = expl.val, y = pred.val, col = + 
    geom_line(na.rm = TRUE) + ylab("prob of occ") + xlab("") + 
    facet_wrap(, scales = "free_x") + ggtitle("Environmental variables")

9.9 Model comparison table (first data set)

Compare AICs, Spearman Correlation for the models with the first data set (in traindatlist).

df <- data.frame(name = unlist(lapply(modellist, function(x) {
})), Spearman = unlist(lapply(modellist, function(x) {
})), AUC = unlist(lapply(modellist, function(x) {
    dismo::evaluate(pres_test, backg_test, model = x$model)@auc
})), AIC = unlist(lapply(modellist, function(x) {
df$delAIC <- df$AIC - min(df$AIC)
df <- df[order(df$AIC), ]
knitr::kable(df, row.names = FALSE)
name Spearman AUC AIC delAIC
gamVIF4 0.939 0.7897686 2512.852 0.00000
gamVIF2 0.930 0.7701322 2552.164 39.31228
gamEnv4 0.904 0.7664959 2579.006 66.15366
gamEnv2 0.939 0.7521983 2633.808 120.95618
glmStep 0.939 0.7425372 2648.513 135.66075
gamLC4 0.777 0.7331653 2650.557 137.70542
glmVIF 0.948 0.7430992 2656.807 143.95475
gamLC2 0.873 0.7223140 2688.271 175.41892
gamEnvMin 0.832 0.7215950 2711.681 198.82886
glmLC 0.902 0.7117438 2720.935 208.08274
gamTopo4 0.832 0.7281488 2739.883 227.03084
glmEnv 0.811 0.7183471 2749.253 236.40140
gamTopo2 0.873 0.7203802 2758.860 246.00769
glmTopo 0.856 0.7145455 2775.568 262.71597
glmMinEnv 0.865 0.6961157 2780.547 267.69485

9.10 Save


save(gamfm, pm.plot, modellist, file = "modellist.RData")