Load the package.


The data are in the following objects. They have a few common columns: date, region, positive, death. Then there are some other columns depending on the source.


Here is an example from states:

##             date region positive negative hospitalized death total.tests
## 15132 2020-03-06     AK       NA        8           NA     0           8
## 15081 2020-03-07     AK       NA       12           NA     0          12
## 15030 2020-03-08     AK       NA       14           NA     0          14
## 14979 2020-03-09     AK       NA       23            1     0          23
## 14928 2020-03-10     AK       NA       23            1     0          23
## 14877 2020-03-11     AK       NA       46            1     0          46

Subsetting data

# Just WA
x <- subset(states, region=="WA")
# Two states
x <- subset(states, region %in% c("WA","CA"))
# All areas in China
x <- subset(world, stringr::str_detect(region, "China"))

Merging Data

Let’s say you want to have the sums for all regions. You can do that with dplyr.

# If you are unfamiliar with dplyr, the %>% is a pipe that sends
# the result to the left into the function in the right
x <- states %>% 
  subset(region%in%c("WA","CA","OR")) %>%
  group_by(date) %>%
  summarize_if(is.numeric, sum, na.rm=TRUE)
# This will not have the region column, so we add that back on
x$region <- as.factor("WA + CA + OR")

We can pass this data object to plot2 to plot.
