4 Chapter 3
This chapter shows how you might use Target Markdown to create a target pipeline for a specific chapter. It will create the {target} files in the chapter folder so you’ll want a separate folder for the chapter. To work on the chapter, you would set the working directory to the chapter folder. Then you can use the usual {targets} workflow and visualizations.
The chapter at https://books.ropensci.org/targets/markdown.html walks through it in detail. This R Markdown template is based off what you get using File > New > RMarkdown > Template > Targets Markdown
4.1 How to run this.
Just hit the Knit button.
What’s it going to do? Basically it will create the target objects in _targets
and then the markdown text will use those target objects. That way you don’t end up re-running lengthy things. How is this different from caching? Well you explicitly specify the dependencies of your objects. {targets} is smart and will figure out if it needs to re-make an object based on whether it or its dependencies changed. Also caching crashes {bookdown} constantly.
4.2 Packages
The example requires several R packages, and targets
must be version or above.
install.packages(c("biglm", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "readr", "targets", "tidyr"))
4.3 Setup
If you are using old versions of targets
(<= 0.7.0) and/or knitr
(<= 1.33), you will need to load the targets
package in the R Markdown document in order for Target Markdown code chunks to work.
Near the top of the document, you may also wish to remove the _targets_r
directory previously written by non-interactive runs of the report. Otherwise, your pipeline may contain superfluous targets.
4.4 Globals
We first define some global options/functions common to all targets. The function below plots a histogram of ozone concentrations, and our histogram target will need it.
options(tidyverse.quiet = TRUE)
tar_option_set(packages = c("biglm", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "readr", "tidyr"))
<- function(data) {
create_plot ggplot(data) +
geom_histogram(aes(x = Ozone), bins = 12) +
}#> Establish _targets.R and _targets_r/globals/example-globals.R.
4.5 Targets
This is the important part. Notice that it uses {targets ...}
not {r ...}
. You need to define dependencies (like data) as a target object so that {targets} can keep track of whether it needs to update objects based on changes to its dependencies.
How will you use these? Not here. This is just defining them. Scroll down to see how to use them. Note you don’t have to define all your targets in one place. Scroll down to see examples.
Our first target borrows the airquality
dataset built into base R.
tar_target(raw_data, airquality)
#> Establish _targets.R and _targets_r/targets/raw-data.R.
Our next targets preprocess the data, make a histogram, and fit a model.
tar_target(data, raw_data %>% filter(!is.na(Ozone))),
tar_target(hist, create_plot(data))
)#> Establish _targets.R and _targets_r/targets/downstream-targets.R.
Set the tar_simple
chunk option to TRUE
to define a single target with the command in the code chunk. The chunk below only contains biglm(Ozone ~ Wind + Temp, data)
in the source, but because tar_simple
, it is shorthand for tar_target(name = fit, command = biglm(Ozone ~ Wind + Temp, data))
. All other arguments to tar_target()
are set to their default values (configurable with tar_option_set()
tar_target(fit, {
biglm(Ozone ~ -1 + Wind + Temp, data)
})#> Define target fit from chunk code.
#> Establish _targets.R and _targets_r/targets/fit.R.
You need to be careful how you name things. You don’t want to name an object to the name of a targets object. So like in the code above, you don’t want to use data
as a name in that code chunk since data
is now a targets object.
4.6 Pipeline
If you ran all the {targets}
chunks in non-interactive mode, then your R scripts are set up to run the pipeline. I don’t know what this means.
#> [31m✓ skip target raw_data
#> [39m[31m✓ skip target data
#> [39m[31m✓ skip target fit
#> [39m[31m✓ skip target hist
#> [39m[31m✓ skip pipeline
#> [39m[31mWarning message:
#> package ‘targets’ was built under R version 4.1.2
#> [39m
4.7 Output
You can retrieve results from the _targets/
data store using tar_read()
or tar_load()
#> Large data regression model: biglm(Ozone ~ -1 + Wind + Temp, data)
#> Sample size = 116