EE Holmes Open Notebook
I am very slowly converting my open notebook on blogger to GitHub blog and markdown. For now, it is still all on blogger: Parsimonious Pursuits
- Notes on computing the Fisher Information matrix for MARSS models. Part IV Recursion in Harvey 1989
- Notes on computing the Fisher Information matrix for MARSS models. Part III Overview of Harvey 1989
- Notes on computing the Fisher Information matrix for MARSS models. Part II Louis 1982
- Notes on computing the Fisher Information matrix for MARSS models. Part I Background
- Analysis of PhD and Baccalaureate origin of math faculty (Part I)
- Another way to get R package download stats
- More general formulation. Tests 2
- More general formulation of the MARSS model
- Quantifying R package downloads using the CRAN mirror stats
- Automating testing of package version updates (MARSS specific)
- More native R versus RcppArmadillo speed test comparisons for EM algorithm
- Speed comparisons using native R and RcppArmadillo
- Speeding up R (MARSS specific)
- Speed test using Matrix to do block summation
- Fitting big state-space models with glmnet?
- Dixon and Coles tests repeated with glmnet(..., lambda=0)
- Follow-up on the glmnet problems I had for fitting poisson models
- glm, speedglm, glmnet comparison (part 1 repeated with lambda=0)
- Dixon and Coles 2-player model with glmnet: Tests with simulated real data
- Dixon and Coles 2-player model fit with glmnet: Test 1 with real data
- Dixon and Coles' 2-player model in glm, speedglm and glmnet
- Multiplayer problem revisited with glm vs speedglm vs glmnet
- Getting coefficients out of glmnet
- glm, speedglm, glmnet comparison (Part 4: models with a few categorical variables but many levels)
- glm, speedglm, glmnet comparison (Part 3: models with many categorical explanatory variables)
- Writing a model matrix in sparse matrix form
- glm, speedglm versus glmnet comparison tests (part 1)
- Test with real data
- Test of the 2-player filter model with attack and defend
- Sept 23 2013 Papers
- update equations for the 2-player contest with a poisson link function
- Toy example of a filter for computing the 2-player hidden x's
- Relationship of Elo algorithm to logistic regression
- Strategy for asynchronous update algorithm for Dixon and Cole's model
- Does biological complexity add realism?
- neutral models of metapopulation dynamics
- Rweb
- prediction error
- predictive vs interpolative accuracy
- ok so LR depends on nested-ness