1 Preface

This is an attempt to use {targets} with {bookdown} to track the status of chapter and not re-run chapters each time the book needs to be rebuilt.

1.1 To run the book

  • Install the {targets} package and {bookdown}
  • Type tar_make() at the command line.
  • Look in the _book folder for the index.html file and open that.

1.2 To add chapters

  • The chapters are in the chapters folder. Add an Rmd there.
  • Open the _targets.R file and add something like target_factory(chap2)but replacechap2` with your file name.
  • chapters/chap3 shows and example where the chapter uses targets markdown to create a chapter specific pipeline. To run, set chapters/chap3 as the working directory, open chap3.Rmd and knit. Then