To install SardineForecast, you will need to install the following package:
If you are on a Windows machine, you will also need to install Rtools from
Once you have installed these packages, install SardineForecast using the following code. The “No errors from warnings” prevents installation from stopping if your R version is less than the version of the packages in SardineForecast.
If you are on a Windows machine and get an error saying ‘loading failed for i386’ or similar, then try
options(devtools.install.args = "--no-multiarch")
If R asks you to update packages, and then proceeds to fail at installation because of a warning that a package was built under a later R version than you have on your computer, use
The SardineForecast package and the required packages should automatically install when you install. However, if they do not for some reason, you need to install them yourself from CRAN before installing SardineForecast:
This page steps you through installing R, RStudio, Rtools, and devtools: These are the 4 pieces you need to install packages from GitHub if you are on a Windows machine. If you are on a mac, you can skip Rtools installation.
You will need to install LaTex to make PDFs: